Human Design for Horses

Welcome to Equine Design!

The Equine Design Modality was originated by Randi Larson & Jeni Kurtyka.

Randi & Jeni are Origination mentors who guide, coach, & teach women how to tap into their intuition & develop an unwavering self trust in order to create the unique quality of life that is right for them, based on their original design.

The majority of our clients own horses.

Over the years we’ve had hundreds upon hundreds of conversations around competition, soundness, training, behavior, personality, health, money, buying & selling, mindset, belief systems, energetic connections, care, & relationship dynamics.

After a decade of guiding women through the energetic messages of their horses, and teaching women how to establish their own way of thriving outside of the status quo held within the industry, we have become experts at recognizing the specific patterns and themes that arise in what the horses were offering to their humans.

Our ability to intuitively tap into the energy of the horse and see the dynamic energetic patterns between the horse & its human counterpart has created massive shifts for our clients and their horses, both in and out of the arena.

In 2020 we were introduced to Human Design and saw immediately how complementary the Human Design System was in supporting the work of Origination. We quickly established Human Design as one of the foundational tools we utilize in working with our clients.

The Human Design modality offers a person individual insight into the qualities, characteristics and gifts that are natural and unique to your original design. 

The Human Design System provides an individuated roadmap that guides you into living in a way that is in sync with your original design, creating greater ease and alignment in your life. Following your individual Human Design offers you the most efficient and effective way to thrive. 

Human Design originated in 1987 by founder Ra Uru Hu. The Human Design System brings together aspects of Astrology, the I’Ching, the Chakra systems, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics, and Biochemistry in order to calculate and present a chart that shows a wealth of details of your unique genetic coding, specific personality traits, energy type, who you came here to be, and how to go about doing that.  

Based on the time and place of your birth, Human Design presents you with clear insight on how you are meant to function, work, make decisions, utilize your energy, offer your unique gifts and talents and how to thrive in your relationships. 

When we begin to practice what is correct for our unique Human Design System, we learn to detach from what society thinks is “right” for us and instead re-establish our individuality. When we move from this place, we have the opportunity to offer to our lives and the world the truest, most authentic aspects of ourselves.

Which in turn, naturally allows us to shine and offer our gifts to the world in a mutually beneficial, reciprocal way where we all can thrive. The Human Design journey is a dynamic dance between deprogramming the adopted qualities and characteristics that were conditioned to maintain connection and validation in our early years, while reconnecting with and learning to express your natural way of being.

In the winter of 2022, we began to question if there was a way to take the data we had collected working with women in the horse industry & map of Human Design and apply that to horses. 

As we began to research the possibility, we came upon the very basic Mammalian Design System originally created by Ra Uru Hu.

As we studied the preliminary work of the Mammalian Map, we began to cross reference our personal experience of working with women and their horses. We took the data, patterns, and themes of the horse-human experiences we had shared with our clients and began to apply that to the definitions held within the basic Mammal System.

We have spent more than two years bring massive depth to the Equine Chart while building and establishing The Equine Design System modality.

We have continued to expand our research and write the handbook of the Equine Design Modality. We created this modality as a way to bring greater ease and harmony into your relationship with your horse.

Now we have the opportunity to share the power and benefit of Equine Design on a larger scale through The Equine Design Membership library, which holds the entire storehouse of all that Equine Design has to offer.